This website is not meant for users under the age of 13. If you are under 13 years of age, you are not eligible to request personal information or apply for our services.
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While every endeavor is made to certify the precision of the information on this website and other data provided to you by the EHS School Courses, a portion of this information may be incorrect or obsolete. Neither the EHS School Courses nor its subsidiary organizations, their officials, chiefs, workers, specialists, data suppliers, or providers warrant the exactness, dependability, or practicality of data provided and will not be obligated for any misfortunes brought about by such dependence on the precision, unwavering quality, or timeliness of such data.
Through accessing this website, you accept that neither the EHS School Courses nor its associated firms, their officers, administrators, staff, agents, information providers or suppliers shall be responsible to you under any liability or indemnity in accordance with the use of this website or the services of the EHS School Courses.
Despite the obvious previous clause, the overall responsibility of the EHS School Courses, if any, for losses or penalties shall not exceed the costs charged by the customer for the individual information or services received. In no case will the EHS School Courses be accountable to you for any loss or damage other than the amount stated above.
The use of any product or services offered by the EHS School Courses implies an agreement that you have read and accepted these terms of use. Through accessing this platform, you specifically accept that the EHS School Courses would not be held accountable for any harm or inconvenience caused or alleged to be caused by the use of our services.
EHS School may deliver promotional offers that includes free courses or buy one, get one offers. These offers are not eligable for trainees who sign up with our courses through discounted prices i.e: any price that's lower than the one listed on the website's course pages.